On day 16 of EDU 255, I taught an international game called "Hantis" with two of my classmates, Kyle and Mike. We all taught a 15 minute lesson on a specific skill and grade level; Kyle taught ball handling skills for 4th grade. I taught the Hantis serve for 8th grade, and Mike taught the double hit for 12th grade. We decided as a group that from Kyle to Mike's lesson, each lesson would transition into the next one, using great progressions so the students would be prepared to play the actual game of Hantis. For my lesson, I choose to focus on the serve because since the students already learned how to hit and control the ball from Kyle's lesson, I would teach them the first part of the Hantis game which is the serve. Before I started teaching, I showed a video of the actual Hantis creators teaching the serve, starting at 3:22 into the video, so the students would get a visual look of how the serve is suppose to look. To teach the serve, I used three cues that I wanted the students to remember when serving; 1. athletic stance 2. paddle hands 3. strike.
Athletic Stance

Paddle Hands
After teaching the three cues, I wanted the students to get use to hitting on the tables; so I did several hitting progressions to prepare the students for game play which will require 4 tables and one ball. I believe the class really enjoyed learning how to play Hantis, and really did a great job performing the skills. Some of the things that I thought I did pretty well during my lesson was having great enthusiasm that was contagious to others. I had a loud and clear voice so everyone was able to hear me and understand all of my instructions. I thought I followed our C9 form very well and had the students engaged in physical activity most of the lesson. I had great progressions that didn't leave any student who struggled with the skills out. When the students had began to struggle with two tables, I modified the environment so the students would have more success with the activity. I gave a lot of positive and helpful feedback to the students who were struggling or doing well with the game. One thing I think I still need to work on to become a much better Physical Education teacher is knowing how to teach beyond my lesson plan or activity progressions because some skills might be easy or too hard for students to do and P.E teachers need to know how to quickly move on to the next activity or stay on the same activity so students aren't bored or not being left out because they can't perform a skill. In this case, pre-assessment is very important because it lets you know as a teacher, what level the students are at before the lesson even starts. I think my group did a great job starting off lab C on the right foot and I can't wait to learn new international games from my other classmates.
Verbal Transcription of Lab C
Time Coding of Lab C
Lab C Lesson Plan
Activity Progression sheet of Lab C
Evaluation Form of Lab C
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