For my 10 hours of outside practical experience, I spend my hours mostly with the sport of track & field. Some of my hours are spent during actual track practice. I am a member of Suny Cortland's Men's track & field team, and also one of captains and leaders of the team as a whole. As a leader on this team, my coach expects me to conduct my event group (400m runners) everyday in practice and teach them how to be better runners. During these practices I give positive and specific feedback to my teammates on proper
sprinting mechanics. I also explain and demonstrate the principles, techniques and methods of regulating movement of body in order to achieve proficiency as a track athlete. If I see someone in my group or on my team slacking off or not giving enough effort, I try to bring them back on track and motivate them to work harder in practice. For the rest of my outside hours I did volunteer work at our Suny Cortland
Track & Field Clinic on March 25, 2012. Every year my track program here at Cortland puts together this clinic for middle and high school athletes and coaches to learn more about the sport of track. In this clinic the athletes are able to physically perform warm-ups, drills, and other important aspects of track. Since I'm a sprinter with a lot of experience in this sport, I was able to conduct and demonstrate a proper warm up and taught the athletes proper sprinting mechanics. I taught the high school athletes how to use
starting blocks if they ever were able to use them at a track meet. Similar to my college teammates, I gave positive and specific feedback to the athletes on technique and
body alignment; and I explained and enforced safety rules and regulations in the sport of track & field. Through these experiences I have grown more as a future educator and my passion for track & field will help me bring that passion into the classroom when I teach.
Giving Specific Feedback to a teammate! |
Track Clinic |
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