On day 13 of EDU 255, we located ourselves in a classroom the whole class period instead of in the gym sweating and doing physical activity. We started off doing fun word puzzles in groups of two, with people you normally don't pair up with. My first partner was Devon, and we struggled a little bit with the puzzles because neither one of us was good at word puzzles. My second partner was Mike, and he knew more about solving word puzzles than I did, so he helped me understand how to figure them out. These fun word puzzles was a cognitive warm up Professor Yang used to get us mentally ready for class. Next Professor Yang went over important things for the remainder of the semester for Lab C and D that we needed to know in order to do well on both labs. He went over how to create lessons plans, activity progression forms, and block plans for teaching specific skills. He also taught us how we can create more simple and complex lessons for students who are struggling or excelling in the class. Teachers can change the environment by making it smaller or bigger to modify for student success, they can increase and decrease the number of players, and they can change the rules of the game to make the game easier or difficult.

Chapter 4 and 5 Questions
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