On day 6 of EDU 255, we focused on using jump ropes and being very creative using them. We begin class with just jumping as long as we can with the jump rope, using different movements like jumping side ways, jumping forward and backwards, jumping while being low, and jumping with a partner. Using the jump rope required great coordination, flexibility, muscle endurance, balance, reaction time, and cardiovascular endurance. I tried jumping rope with two partners turning the rope, and me doing a jumping push up to get over the rope. It wasn't easy but of-course with some practice I would get it. Me and my partners were able to jump together with the rope while moving forward and backward and it was so cool. After all this jumping, Professor Yang instructed us to create a jumping sequence performance to a song "Move Your Body" by Beyonce, within our groups we created to be taped and put on youtube. This was a competition to see which group was the best at the most number of jumps, their rhythm, and how in sink they were with their group members who were the jumpers. Professor Yang gave us a lot of time to practice to get the jumps and rope swings synchronized with each other to the beat of the song. I think my group did a great job performing under the circumstances of not having a lot of practice. Other groups were very creative and we had a lot of fun with this. While other groups were performing, The TA's begin to teach us the dance moves to Beyonce's song and that was cool to learn. After everyone was filmed, we headed down to the classroom. We watched a film that I believe anyone can enjoy:
After watching that awesome video, Professor Yang did an overview of how to develop lesson plans for Physical Education; teaching us about Health-related fitness and Skill-related fitness components, and the NYS Learning Standards and NASPE Content Standards for P.E. Overall, today was a lot of fun using the jump rope in ways I never did before.
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