Monday, March 5, 2012


On day 19 of EDU 255, another group of students, Trish, Stephanie, and David, taught their Lab C on the international sport called "Shinty". Class started with Trish teaching the Kindergarten lesson about how to hit the ball on the floor using your hand with a great arm swing instead of using equipment because kids can become very distracted by the equipment and may try to hit one another. I really enjoyed Trish's visual aid, which she used to explain how to swing your arm like a grandfather clock, which everyone was able to visualize what she was showing. The lesson had great transitions and her demonstrations were very clear of what she wanted us to do. Next was Stephanie, who taught the the 4th grade lesson, which focused on equipment this time to hit the ball, but just with a smaller stick rather than a hockey stick used in the actual game of Shinty. I like how Stephanie incorporated a lot of history about the game of Shinty and how it came from Scotland. Stephanie also had great visual aids and really stressed the safety of the classroom because since we were a 4th grade class using sticks, she didn't want anyone swinging pass their knee level to prevent anybody from hitting another person while swinging. Last was David, who taught the 12th grade lesson, which focused on the volley of Shinty. The volley is used on offense to receive and pass the ball and also for scoring goals. I didn't get the skill at first, but David did a great job working with me individually so I would be able to perform the skill. David did a great job using the projector and continued teaching us the history of Shinty and Scotland. Overall this group did a great job teaching the history of this awesome international sport and this game would be great for all P.E classes.

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